ArcticRIMS Data Sources
Precipitation - downscaled daily time step (Serreze, UC)
- downscaled daily (UNH)
- aerological methods/Cullather Method (Serreze, UC)
- NCEP rain/no rain (Ohio/UC)
- MM5 (Wang, Ohio)
Temperature - 2m height from NCEP (Serreze/Wang)
- Downscaled T from John Walsh?
- Observed from GHCN 2
P-E: - NCEP I (Wang)
- MM5 (Wang)
Evapoitranspiration - aerological methods - residual (Serreze, UC)
- MM5 - residual? (Wang, Ohio)
- land surfacce-based (UNH)
Snowcover - SSM/I (Armstrong, UC)
Snow Water Equivalent - SSM/I (Armstrong, UC)
Freeze/Thaw - SSM/I (Zhang, UC)
- Quikscat (McDonald, JPL)
Active Layer - (Zhang/Olke, UC) if available
Permafrost Dist'n - IPA permafrost map (Zhang, UC)
River Discharge - Observed (UNH/AARI)
Observed - (UNH)
Atmos water vapor - NCEP (Serreze/Wang)
Atmos fluxes - NCEP (Serreze/Wang)
Wind (surface) - NCEP (Serreze/Wang)
Radiation/Clouds - ERBE, CERES, ISSCP-D (Serreze/Wang)
Water vapor @ surface - NCEP (Serreze/Wang)
Soil - texture, wetland (UNH)
Vegetation - cover type, root depth (UNH)
Leaf Area Index - AVHRR?
Surface albedo - ERBE, ISSCP-D
Surface roughness - lookup tables
Land surface mask - UNH (now available)
River Network - UNH
Grid Cell ID Numbers - for the EASE grid panArctic grid cells (Serreze)
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R.Lammers, M. Rawlins